Actively building your list, or trying to
Did you create an opt-in and all you hear are crickets instead of the sweet sound of Stripe pings? No worries, we'll get you sorted out with a quiz funnel and welcome sequence that delivers.
Launching an online course
Ohhh, this will be fun. Whether it's your first launch or a relaunch, I'll work with you to strategize your entire launch strategy and sales funnel.
Looking for strategy paired with copywriting
Leads and launches start with a solid strategy and research, so we'll begin there. Then we'll work collaboratively to create the copy and assets you need to reach your goals.
Planning to use email to sell more of your offers and products
Got offers and products but lacking a plan that's working to bring in new customers, or reengage the current ones? Together we'll create a funnel that ends with a cah-ching.
Willing to show up, and try new things
Connecting with your leads takes showing up as yourself, and sharing the good and not-so-great stories, so they're sold on working with you even before you pitch them a thing.
Dreaming about turning your big idea into a course
You've got a burning idea for a course or offer but you're overwhelmed with the steps it takes to launch it into the world. We'll start with your goals, strategy, and research and create a plan.
Click below to learn what we can do together, and which package you'll need.
Launches that include all your copy done-for-you are a five-figure investment. Apply below via LaunchWorthy™
Book The Sales Copy Pal: VIP experience which gives you a done-for-you sales page that’s delivered in one week.
Get allll the emails that will drive people to sign up for my email list or purchase my offer. Choose either the Sales Copy Pal VIP Week or get them as part of the complete done-for-you launch funnel within LaunchWorthy™.
Yes! An interactive quiz funnel is the best way to deliver personalized results to the people signing up. Explore The Quiz Funnel details.
We'll work together to build your offer suite. Then I'll map out all the moving parts in Trello, including your Funnel map. After that I'll get to work on creating your SLO sales pages, writing the copy for the check out pages, and the emails that move people along in your funnel. SLO funnels can be done through the LaunchWorthy™ package.
I've got the perfect solution for you. Select a limited edition email sequence template from The Copy Boutique.
Then choose the next available Restyle Service ($997) where I'll personalize your template with all your distinct details and deliver it to your inbox within 7 days. Sounds good, right?!
I'd love to give you a peek at my secret menu offer that's perfect for businesses who have ongoing copy and strategy needs. I currently have only 1 reservation available for this offer.
Reach out to me through my Contact Page and we'll book a time to chat.
Connection-driven launch copy at your service.
Available only with Copy Boutique template purchase
Choose a limited edition email copy template from the Shop, and get it personalized with your distinct details within 7 days.
Instantly reserve your day
A done-for-you sales copy experience, so you can expertly custom-crafted copy, served up in only a few hours.
Includes basic setup in Interact software
A done-for-you quiz funnel, so you can convert leads with ease, and serve people up exactly what they need.
Customized based on needs
A done-for-you launch funnel and messaging strategy, ready to launch in 8 weeks.
Payment plans available.
50% Complete
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