How To Use Quizzes In Your Customer Journey
Quizzes have firmly claimed a space in the online business world as a top lead generation tool that can boost your list and amp up that like, know and trust factor. So if you’ve been considering adding a quiz to your lead generation or even as a tool during your launch, this episode is for you.
In this episode, we talked about...
- why so many people in the online space are raving about quiz funnels
- what exactly is a quiz funnel
- where quiz funnels can go wrong
- how to choose the best lead generation tool for your business
- Allison's top tips for developing your quiz topic
...and much, much more
Things mentioned in this episode
- Take Allison's quiz at
Learn more about Allison Carpio
Allison Carpio is an author, speaker, and head copywriting chef at The Conversion Kitchen.
She ran quiz funnels with 8-figure businesses in the health and wellness space. She gave talks about quiz funnels at high-level masterminds (Done in a Day, Copy Accelerator and Todd Brown).
Now, she helps service providers and marketers map out their juicy quiz funnel in one day.
She believes email is a powerful lead gen and conversion ingredient for your marketing–and it lets you do marketing on YOUR own terms.
Connect with her in IG: @allisoncarpio
Check out her Website:
Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing
Allison: Let's say like someone takes the quiz and then they still need to talk to someone, when they do talk to someone, they are so much more warmed up. And there's so much more they know what they need and what they want. For example, like someone one of my clients took my quiz about their quiz funnel, and like when they purchased their VIP day with needs for to build out their quiz funnel. They knew what their quiz ID was going to be because they're like, I went through this quiz. It's gonna be about this. And then like, we sharpen it a little bit. But it was such a dream for me where I was like, Oh, my gosh, you know what you are. This is amazing. And, you know, like the sales conversation that we had was like, quite simple, because you know, they've already been warmed up, and they have more clarity into what they need when they're going to work with me.
You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools, the transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout, well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.
Sara: This will sound like one of those in my day type stories, because it is when I was a teen and in my early 20s, the Cosmo quiz fan and Cosmopolitan magazine was the place to find answers about yourself. Well, I find my soulmate. Am I destined to be a BFF? Only? What is my style say about me? The quiz is the first thing I do and when my friends and I would chat about was it true? Did the answer fit? Now of course we get sorted up quizzes on Buzzfeed. And you can find out things like what family of the ton would you belong to if you're a virgin fan like me and care about stuff like that. And you can still discover what your style says about you. The quizzes have also firmly claimed a place in the online business world as a top lead gen tool, it can boost your list and amp up the like no interest factor. So if you've been considering adding a quiz to your lead generation, or even as a tool to use during your launch, then this episode is for you.
Today we're talking quick funnels with Alison Carpio. She's an author, speaker and head copywriting chef at the conversion kitchen. Alison has run quiz funnels with eight figure businesses in the health and wellness space. She gives talks about quizzes at high level masterminds done in a day coffee accelerator and Todd Brown. And now she helps service providers and marketers map out their juicy quiz final in one day. Alison, welcome.
Allison: Thanks, Sara. Great to be here. I was cracking up when you're filling that intro about Cosmo and just reminiscing the time they took if you ever had YM back in the day, well, too.
Sara: So totally showing her aids that's okay. It's funny, like when I was recording, getting ready requests episode with you. I was looking through Cosmo because I actually still order it. But now I don't really so much for use it to read the articles. It's more like headline inspiration, sometimes when writing blog posts and things like that. So I was flipping through the past like six months worth. And I was like there was only one quiz in it. And it was way different than it used to be. It was more like a flowchart. And I was kind of sad.
Allison: Like, we didn't have flow charts back in our day.
Sara: It was only a math class.
Allison: That's Awesome!
Sara: I was kind of like, there's a whole generation who doesn't know.
Allison: Yeah, I know. I know. They're out there with a Buzzfeed thing. You know, like at least they have that.
Sara: I mean, there's so many of those. I could just like I could do them all day. Anyways, Alison, let's jump right in. So it seems people who use quizzes in their business rave about them. Why is that?
Allison: Well, quizzes for your business are really awesome for lead gen and lead conversion when your quiz is tied to your offer. And I mean, we kind of alluded to this earlier, but quizzes are really fun to take, especially because the person taking the quiz really discover something unique about themselves. And as they answer your quiz questions, they had clarity and a deeper understanding of a problem they're facing and are what they desire instead. So I like to think of funnels in general, like a museum. It's a guided experience where you go room by room, and at the end of it, there's the gift shop. And quiz funnels are more like those interactive museums, like the Museum of ice cream, or the color factory where you get to really play around with these, each exhibit. You're not just absorbing stuff, but you're like actually getting to interact with each of those pieces. And it's a lot more fun. So it's a lot more appealing for people to go through your quiz funnel.
Sara: I love that example. It's so much more like something that you're part of right as opposed to something that's being done to you.
Allison: Yes, yes, exactly. Exactly.
Sara: And then so we're all on the same page with you. Tell us a little bit more about the quiz funnel where you walk us through the different parts of what makes one up?
Allison: Yep, yep. So you can also see a quiz funnel sort of like a conversation you have with someone Add skill where you can get to know them. And the key parts of a quiz funnel that I see are one. It's the title of the quiz. So just like a book, a really juicy title of a quiz really gets people to want to take that quiz kind of like, you know, when you're at the bookstore, and you're perusing titles, and you're like, oh, I want this book, because you see that book title. The second part is the quiz questions. So the more thoughtful and in depth, the more it feels like a unique discovery. At the end of it, we want our quizzes to be more thoughtful, and to show that we really get what they're going through. So you know, put some thought into it. And then the third part is the quiz results. So these are the results pages, which sells your offer, which are essentially sales pages, if you think about that. So you want to tie the quiz result to what you're offering. And then the fourth part is the email sequences for people who take the quiz because a lot of times the magic is really in the email follow up for those who really need some nurturing before they're ready to work with you. And all of those key parts are essential for your quiz funnel. And when all of them are tied to your quiz idea and your quiz ideas tied to your offerings, it's really amazing and magical for lead gen lead conversion.
Sara: Thank you. So what are your favorite ways to use a quiz or any other ways that you've seen out in the wild in the business world?
Allison: Yeah. So before we see like what ways to use a quiz, I like to think of quizzes in like there's a couple of types of quizzes. So the first one is as a legion tool, and a quiz used as Legion tool, you're probably more these are a lot more common and a lead gen tool quiz is more for like higher quality leads and bring in new people and therefore people who are more problem or solution aware, they may or may not know there's a solution to their problem, but don't know of any specific products to solve it. So examples of these are like the personality quizzes or a brand voice quiz for a copywriter. One of my clients is a copywriter, and she had a brand voice quiz. I had another client who was interior designer and she had a style quiz because you know if you know, have a better idea of what your style is, when you work with an interior designer, you have a better idea of what you want your your rooms or your home or office to look like. And then we have the lead conversion quiz. And these are more for existing leads who are more solution or product aware meaning these people may or may not know your offer solves a problem, but they may not know all about your offer. So an example of this is my own quiz, I have a quiz, it's gonna get really mad at here. It's a quiz about quiz funnels. And it helps you come up with your quiz idea because when people work with me on their quiz funnel, ideally, they know what their quiz ID is about generally. So those are for people who have already either decided they want to do a quiz funnel, or they're like really interested in it. And they just really need that clarity on that. Another example could be something a little bit more interactive, like a calculator. Jordan Gill has one where Jordan Gill from done in a day, which you know, Sarah, that's how you and I met. She has one where it's like, what, what type of VIP day should you offer. And that's for people who are already decided, like, I want to offer a VIP day, but they don't know what kind of VIP day they want to offer is good for their business. And once they know what that is or more inspired to really take action and want to to get that going. So those are the two kind of buckets and your you know, there could be a blend of the two and just depending on where you're at really, really depend how you'll use your quiz. But generally speaking, quizzes are really awesome for traffic. Like if you're running IG and Facebook ads, it plays really nicely with ads. One of my clients, the interior designer, she uses hers for generating leads on IG and Facebook. And I really love using mine when I give talks and summits and you know, podcasts like this one, because it's very low commitment in that, you know, you don't have to read a whole book or dedicate an hour to watching a whole webinar, it still leads to that people are really curious about where they fall or what the result is going to be. So there's so many ways to use it. Because depending on if you're more focused on lead generation or lead conversion will determine you know, how it's how you're going to be using it in your business.
Sara: Yeah, that makes so much sense. Awesome. Why do you think we should choose a quiz over let's say, another lead gen tool, like like you mentioned already, maybe a workshop which has more time commitment, but there's there's so many other ones, of course, like PDF, checklists, etc. How do we know it's right for us?
Allison: Yeah. So the first thing I'll say is if you have a quiz idea that feels really aligned with you and your people or you just have this inkling like there's something here that's first and foremost is why you know it's right for you. The second thing is that quizzes don't necessarily replace webinars or workshops or anything like that. I like I think they're a really great pairing. It's kind of like you know, the the great debate between email or social media like you really need both. So if your your quiz is more of a lead gen tool, it could be on the front of a webinar. are, if it's a lead conversion tool, it could be on the back of a webinar, or you know, if you have a podcast like Usera, like yours could be, you know, for lead gen, either lead gen or lead conversion, you know, it just really depends. But it's a complement to all your other lead gen tools, you can start with it being your first one. But generally speaking, like, I think it's good to, you know, always be thinking about it, adding it to your lead gen buffet, if you will. So, there's that. But also, like, if you're showing up on if you're highly visible, if you're showing up on podcasts and summits, you know, especially in summits where you are, you know, maybe people are opting into a lot of different things. This one, like quizzes are really awesome, because like people who opt into your quiz have already gone through it. So they've already absorbed it. And they're not just like, opting into it and not, you know, reading it or going through it. So in many ways, it can really set you apart from from other different, you know, speakers on summits. And again, if you're running ads, it plays really nicely with that. And, you know, if you have leads on your email list, who really need that extra nudge to convert, that's where the lead conversion quiz comes in. And, you know, it's really great for that.
Sara: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense that it's paired with other things, I can see that for sure.
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Sara: Let's talk about how you use them in a launch. So I know we talked a lot about using it like as part of your lead generation funnel in different ways. But what how have you seen muse in a launch aspect?
Allison: If it's a legion quiz, you'll want to use it in the pre launch phase. So definitely use that there. But the thing I'll say about that is you'll still want to sell all throughout your quiz. So when people have more of the lead gen quiz where it's like, you know, personality quiz or even if it's like, oh, what kind of course should you create like, you'll also want to be selling all throughout it. I think like the mindset shift of you only sell in the quiz either on the sales results pages or in email follow up is you know, that kind of, you know, that's just a mistake. It's when you make your quiz. So what you want to do instead is think of how your selling all throughout the quiz and selling can happen already in the title itself. Because when your quiz idea is really tied to your offers, like it's going to be really easy for you to you know, sell all throughout your quiz. And the title of your quiz kind of sells your offer itself. And then all throughout the questions as well. So whether you're talking about clients that you've worked with, or even just like, knowing or understanding their situation, knowing that you understand what they're facing, and showing them, you know, what the other side looks like, and really just helping them understand like, what where they're at with their problem and what they're facing. Think of it like that, and that you're selling all throughout the quiz. So that's one thing I'll say about the Legion quiz, if it's a lead conversion quiz, I alluded this earlier, but you want to use it as a pairing for your sales vehicle, whether that's a webinar or a challenge, or if you're hosting summits, et cetera, et cetera. Another thing that I've seen that I really love is if you are hosting a summit, if that is you know, your lunch, then using a quiz as helping people, you know, create a custom schedule, because if people have that custom schedule, it's almost like you know, they're more likely to show up to the summit, and therefore they're more likely to engage, more likely to take the next step, like looking to convert etc, etc. So it's kind of like you have that concierge for people. But instead of hiring people to say like, Oh, these are the different workshops you should go to, it's like actually doing that for them and making it easy for them.
Sara: That's such a fun idea. I've never heard that one before.
Allison: Yeah, I got that from Jen Zeller, the virtual summit search. That's a really great way.
Sara: I've seen quizzes used a couple times in the middle of like OpenCart sequences and launches where people I think you'd like Amy Porterfield DCA Academy, and I think Ashlyn writes one of hers as well. It was like helping them decide if their program was right for them at the right time, as well.
Allison: Yep, yep. Yep. Yeah. So you can think of it like you know, replacing if you have a lot of conversations with people Oh, it could really replace that conversation as well. Like, is something right for me, you know, or if like, for example, if there's multiple different, you know, options for your lunch like, which one is right for me, you know, like what what option is right for me kind of thing. And also like I've seen calculators as well. And while calculators aren't necessarily technically quizzes, I kind of group them together in that they're interactive, Lee generally conversion tools that make it easy for people to discover something, and they don't have to necessarily talk to someone to get that discovery.
Sara: And that's something that you've mentioned a couple times. And I want to come back to that how you're saying, we use a quiz. Again, like let's say during the launch, or let's say like leading up to an event, as you're saying, like the summit, it could potentially replace part of the need to have as many people let's say, in the chat or helping with that customer service part. So even though we're spending a lot of time upfront, maybe creating that quiz during the actual event, it can be really supportive of us.
Allison: Exactly, exactly. And let's say like they someone takes the quiz, and then they still need to talk to someone, when they do talk to someone, they are so much more warmed up. And there's so much more they know what they need and what they want. For example, like someone, one of my clients took my quiz about their quiz funnel. And like when you know, they purchased their VIP day with me, it's for to build out their quiz funnel. They knew what their quiz ID was going to be because they're like, I went through this quiz, it's going to be about this. And then like, you know, we sharpened it a little bit. But it was such a dream for me where I was like, Oh, my gosh, you know what you want. This is amazing. And, you know, like the sales conversation that we had was like, quite simple, because you know, they were already been warmed up, and they have more clarity into what they need when they're going to work.
Sara: Oh my gosh, as a copywriter my head is like just going with this as well. Because I'm just thinking too, as you're saying, like going into an event or seminar or a course or whatever the issue is, or even like a sales call. Like, we know that, you know, our customers have so many questions. But sometimes we don't want to put maybe all 20 questions on a service or sales page, because there's a lot, right. But then we can then fine tune those questions I can see in the results. Like if you're, you know, if they get this x, here's like the three questions you might be having, like, if so maybe it's like someone who's choosing extended payment plan. Okay, well, what does that look like? Or who wants a VIP option? Okay, so here's what's might be on your mind? Yeah, that's tone really goes to the being really effective.
Allison: Exactly. And just to add to that, like, it's it's kind of a dream for us marketers, and copywriters, because like, we get to see what people are selecting. And we get to, you know, segment people out, you know, like, based on what they decide, and you get to do some research as well in the middle of it. And, you know, if you're seeing people are mostly selecting one, one of the options, then, you know, you can tailor that question to just go deeper on that one, one answer instead of giving them you know, the answers where people are only choosing one of them. So it's really exciting for like, you know, if you're more of a qualitative data nerd, like I am.
Sara: yeah, oh, my gosh, I love the data. Okay, so let's talk about the data, actually, because that's something I feel like when people are thinking about their quizzes, they don't always know all that good, juicy stuff that it's actually behind the quiz that they get, especially depending on the software they choose, and things like that. What is some of the data that we can expect to take away from a quiz funnel that we wouldn't necessarily get from either lead gen or lead conversion tools?
Allison: Yeah, so I alluded to it earlier, like you get people's inputs. So for example, let's say you serve coaches, consultants and service providers, and you want to see what you know, how many of those people are in your audience, you'll get to see how, what the split of that is. Or if you work with people in different in different industries, you'll get to see that as well. Another thing too, is like, you'll get to see like the different stages they're at. So like, a really common question that people ask is like, you know, where, what, what your desires are, and based on what your desires are, it kind of tells you what stage they're in, and you get to see what that is, as well. So there's a lot of quantitative data or qualitative data there, that really gives you an idea of like, you know, what, what you who you need to be speaking to, and who your audience really makes up, and also that you can, you know, tailor some emails and automation flows from that. So that's one thing. Another thing too is when done well, there's a lot of high opt in rates for quizzes. So there's high opt in rates, and especially like when your quiz is really thoughtful, like a, like a conversation, where you really show that you you're you know, it's not like a basic quiz. It's like you're really getting into the heart of it, and you're really getting specific about what they're talking about. You'll be surprised at how high opt in rates are, especially when you have more questions. I think a really common misconception is that the less questions the better, but if you think of like a conversation, and it's only like two questions, and you know, they get a result like it doesn't Really, it feels like it feels too, it doesn't feel custom, you know, it feels like it's too. It's, you know, just kind of cookie cutter kind of thing. So I've actually I've run some split tests on it with past clients who, you know, had a lot of traffic going to their funnels. And when we cut the questions in half, we actually saw a lower conversion rate in general, like, I don't remember the opt in rate, but we saw a lower like conversion rate after which makes sense. Because, yeah, it kind of makes sense if you think about it, because you know, like, it was just, you know, it wasn't really digging deep. And it kind of felt like another basic quiz that they may have taken out there. So, overall, you can expect better, like higher opt in rates, higher conversion rates, but overall, like better quality people, like I think, you know, we could talk about the numbers and numbers always depend on people. So that's why I'm not necessarily naming specific numbers. But like, you'll know, your quiz is really working for you, when you're looking at the people who opted into it. And, you know, you see people who, you know, you will love to work with your ideal client, and especially when you talk to them, and they're really speaking, you know, in your language, like, I was saying, how, you know, one of my clients, you know, purchased my via their VIP day from my quiz. And they were really using the language from the quiz when they were talking to me. And I was like, that's how I know it's a success, like, because they're really absorbing it, and they're all for it. And they're really aligned with it. And you know, this, that's another overlooked way of how you know, a quiz is working for you.
Sara: So interesting. It's kind of like they, so I think that qualifies them even more than they probably come on to a call with you, right? Because they're already aligned with your conversation. They're already sort of shifting maybe their thinking around the topic.
Allison: Yeah Exactly, like a lot of Yeah, and you get to show up to the call already knowing that which is really nice. You don't have to like you know, spend, you know, 510 minutes, the first 510 minutes of the call asking them those questions, because you know, you already know so you can kind of just like, get to the heart of the conversation get to the really juicy, or the meat and potatoes of it, if you will.
Sara: For sure. Where can quiz funnels go wrong?
Allison: Ooh, yes, you're either not selling or talking about your offers at all, or you're saving selling the selling for only one part of the quiz instead of you know, doing all throughout, like I've talked about earlier, the quiz is incongruent with your offer. I think like sometimes, like my clients, or people who talk to me, they're they, they're really, they get really excited about like creating a quiz that people want to take that they get kind of far away from their offer. And it's like, you don't want the most people taking your quiz, you just want your people taking the quiz. So make sure your quiz appeals to your people, not at all love the people. The one thing that I'll talk about, too, that it's not necessarily make or break, but it's really something you'll highly want to consider is when you offer a quiz result that you either don't offer or don't want offer. So one of my clients, she had a like a voice quiz. And there was one where there were three results. But she was considering a fourth result. And technically, in a voice quiz, or a style quiz or any quiz. If you think about it, there's potentially hundreds or 1000s of potential results. If you really want to be comprehensive, and you want to cover all of the things, you absolutely can. But I don't recommend that because someone who takes your voice quiz or your style quiz is going to be someone different, who take takes another person's voice or style quiz. And my client wanted to include this force, this fourth voice that she's seen, that's really common. But you know, she didn't want to work with those people. And you know, don't offer something, if you know, you don't want to attract those people. So eventually, we took that one out, we stuck to the three that she wanted to work with. And that's also like one of the secrets in you know, your quiz attracting people you want to work with? Because if your quiz results, speak to the people you want to work with, then they're going to track those people in general.
Sara: And then how do we know if it's effective? I know you've walked us through some of the parts of it and mentioned definitely it being like congruent to your offer. But let's just sort of recap those. Let's see key point to what how we know that our quiz is going to check those boxes of something that's going to work for us.
Allison: Yep. So you'll want to look at your lead numbers. You're like how many people are opting into your quiz? And then look at who is coming in? Like, are those people higher quality? Are those people that people that you want to work with? Really look at the quantitative and the qualitative? And then of course, when you're talking to people, you'll want to see like, are they more aware about what they the situation that they're in? And are they more primed to work with you? So that's how you know a quiz is really, really working for you. And also like, for example, if your quiz leads to another step in your funnel, you want to see that as well. And if you have the ability to see like okay, the people from the quiz who ended up you know, watching the webinar like those are people are more likely to convert or they are people that we want to work with or when they show up to a sales call, they're more likely to convert or they're more likely to show up to a sales call. That's how you know a quiz is really working for you. So really looking at it holistically, and the role that your quiz plays in your overall Legion and lead conversion system.
Sara: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense to see that. Look at the whole picture there. I guess. That's a reminder, I guess, in our whole business. Right? We have to do that. Yeah, look at the pathway. So you were talking around selling throughout? And a question that I have heard come up in conversation with, like clients and just like other business owners, would be, how do we choose our quiz topic? So since we're all about taking action here, can you help us get the ball rolling? How can we actually develop a great quiz topic that will be aligned to selling?
Allison: Yep, yep. So well, you could start with a quiz. Because I have a quiz for that it's at the conversion Like you're gonna cook something.
Sara: We'll put that in our show notes for sure.
Allison: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. So take that I would love to hear what your results are. And if you've been surprised about it, but generally speaking, like, think about the conversations that you're having, with people, what are thing? What are what keeps coming up for you? And also like, what do people really need to understand and know about themselves before they either make a decision, or before they speak with you or work with you. And that will really tell you like, what your quiz really needs to be about. And also like, how smooth is the transition from their quiz result to your offer, because you know that that'll that's usually a very telling sign, like, if it's, you know, if it feels really obscure, or if it feels like there's a lot of distance between the two, then maybe that's gonna be a little bit of a, it's a little incongruent. But if the transition seems quite smooth, and it's a little bit more useful, then that's when you know, like, that's a really good, that's a really solid, juicy quiz idea.
Sara: And earlier, you mentioned the difference between and I don't know if I have the billboards right talk to correct me, Alison. But like, there's the lead generation type and the lead conversion type. Is that correct?
Allison: Yep.
Sara: So what are those real differences between those like one is because you talked about telling throughout all of our quizzes, so how do we sort of differentiate? And I just telling have a different spot, depending on what quiz type you're doing?
Allison: Yes, yes. Yes, yes, at all. So your quiz could technically be a blend of the two. But the Legion tool is more for if you want new or high quality leads, and they're like, they're more on the problem or solution where and of the spectrum, where lead conversion is more there on the solution or product aware side of the spectrum. So technically a lead gen quiz, you know, even though you're selling throughout, you know, you can convert people, it's totally true. But if you think of it like the the primary objective there is to attract high quality leads, and that's more on lead gen side. And depending if it is more on the lead gen side that that usually tells you how you will use your quiz whether it's going to be more on, you know, a podcast, and depending on what you're talking about, if it's like, like, for example, if my quiz was like my quiz, it's about quiz funnels. So it's for people who already know that they are interested in a quiz funnel, and they just need to know like, what kind, that's a lead conversion tool, technically, like, even if they're not in my world, and they're still a new lead, it's still like the primary objective there is to you know, convert people. And with lead conversion tools like or lead conversion quizzes, it's more you'll expect to get lower, like a lesser quantity, but a higher quality leads, whereas lead gen tools, they're, they're usually more, you'll get more quantity. And you know, they might need more warming up and more, you know, emailing and more like relationship building on the back end of it.
Sara: So if it's like the lead gen, we might expect that people will need to go through to our whole like sequence afterwards of emails before they're ready to maybe move to the next step.
Allison: Usually, that's what I've seen. Yes, yes, exactly.
Sara: And then on the results page, should we always be selling? What do you think?
Allison: Yes. Yes. So yes, on the results page, yes. Like you want to give that result. And again, like when that results really ties to what your offer is, like, that's what selling is, you know, and people can you know, if they're, if they're not ready to convert just yet, you have an email sequence in place that takes care of that if they are ready, then they'll go for it. But you know, it's it's, it's a business quiz, and especially when your title your quiz title really preps people and it's like about your offer, somehow, whether directly or indirectly, then it won't be a surprise for most people.
Sara: And then the other question I've heard asked a lot What is how do you figure out? Like, let's say the math behind that the logic behind getting the results? Like so, you know, we let's say we have three results, how many questions we have to use to get those results? Like how do people do?
Allison: It really depends on the quiz idea. It depends on it depends on you. I've seen quizzes to be very effective when it's just based on one question, which is, you know, pretty surprising for people. But like, if that if that one question is so well thought out, and so researched, like, it works really nicely. Sometimes it's two questions, sometimes it's three, but it doesn't necessarily need to be the most complicated quiz. I've worked on those quizzes where it's like, there's a scoring method. And again, these were, these are businesses where they were spending seven to eight figures a month on, on ads alone. So like these quizzes really, like we're, you know, it ran the business. So that's why there's that, you know, complex. But you know, for if I'm speaking to the service provider, for example, I love working with service providers, there's doesn't necessarily need to be that that intense, or that that logical ly well thought out, and it will still be highly, highly valuable. I think the common misconception here is that the more complex it is, the more valuable it is. But that's not necessarily true. So I would just want to bust that myth real quick.
Sara: I'm glad that you did, for sure. So even though, let's say that the one question we asked could lead to the result, I know that you mentioned we should have multiple questions. Anyways. So what are those other questions for them?
Allison: Those could be for segmentation purposes, it could be for research purposes. And a lot of times it could really help like, you know, with deciding what it is, but not necessarily the logic won't be tied to it. So I think they're important to have like, of course, you don't want to have a one question quiz. But you know, in, in interact, for example, like it'll record the question answers as well. And you could still, you know, see those in there. So, you know, as long as you're able to record those and view those and just like, you know, see what the results are, then that's really highly useful for you. And then like, let's say you get on a sales call, or you're in someone's DMS for someone who took the quiz, you could still look up their their quiz results, not just like what the result they got, but like the answers that they put in the quiz, and that'll help you with a conversation.
Sara: So if our listeners could only walk away with one thing from this episode, what do you hope it'll be?
Allison: I've said this multiple times. And I think it's worth repeating. Again, make your quiz tied to your offer, make a tie to your offer, it doesn't need to be like the most BuzzFeed worthy quiz is make sure that is tied to your offer. And at the same time, make it fun and appealing to take. This is something that people are excited to take, they're excited to take quizzes, make it fun, and tie it to your offering. And then the next thing I'll say, I know you said one thing, but I just this is uh let it be messy and get it done. It doesn't have to be perfect, it can be messy, and still be highly valuable. It could still be simple and highly valuable, doesn't need to be all like highly logical or highly complicated. So get it done, let it be messy, it'll still be valuable for your people and valuable for your business. Especially if you're having fun with it. So create that museum of ice cream, it's going to be fun for you and bringing those leads.
Sara: I love ending the episode on that. Think the you know, the more we get out and do things, the better it is for our business, we can tweak and fix it as it's out there, right?
Allison: Yes, exactly. And like I created my quiz a year ago and I'm gonna revisit it again and like make some adjustments to it like it was still bringing in leads before and it will again know me saying.
Sara: So where can our listeners find out more about you? And then of course remind us where to get that quiz again.
Allison: It's at the conversion So go ahead go there. There's the quiz on there. You'll find my IG on there say hello to me and iG as well. I'm at Olson Carpio, which we could put that in the show notes too. But it's also at theconversion.
Sara: Thank you so much for joining me today on the launch playbook podcast. Allison.
Allison: Thanks so much for having me, Sarah. It's been a pleasure.
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