Small List Boosters

the launch playbook podcast
The Launch Playbook Podcast Episode 24

In this solo episode, I'm spilling 5 ways to boost your email list growth using your lead magnet. Focus on this during your pre-launch phase.

  •  Why you want to have plenty of opt-in opportunities
  •  Where to put your lead magnet on your website
  •  A few ideas about sharing your lead magnet
  •  What to share when you get in front of other people's audiences
  •  Why you want to share your lead magnet the most

Things mentioned in this episode

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Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing

Sara: So how can you increase your visibility efforts? So thinking about this, how can you get in front of other audiences through collaborations or speaking opportunities? So some of the ones would be pitching podcasts you part of podcasts? speaking in front of other people's masterminds? Are group coaching programs, doing some social q&a with each other getting people's Facebook groups?

How can you get in front of more people who are the right people that you want to work with them to your ideal audience. And when you're there is it a pitching an offer at the end of it? pitch them onto your email list into your freebie your lead magnet.
You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools of transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout. Well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.

While you have your lead magnet created and your welcome sequence, you might be wondering, how can you use your new lead magnet to boost your small list. So I'm going to show you five ways that you can grow your list. So first, you want to make sure that you have plenty of opt in opportunities. So often we create this lead magnet, we have a landing page.

And that's the only spot that it sits on. So we're not giving people a lot of chances to find it. So you want to make sure that on your website, you're giving people plenty of opportunities to opt in. So I want to think about maybe adding under the hero image on your homepage, let's enter your main image. depending what your website allows, you might have an opt in bar there, you may have a Hello bar, which is something at the top of your hero image across the top that asks people to sign up for your lead magnet, you may have a pop up or something in your footer, you may also sprinkle in chances to opt in on key pages to like your about page perhaps, or on the sidebar of your blogs.

You also can put them in your blogs, podcasts, social and videos, which we'll talk a little bit more about later. And you can add it to your email signature. And another one would be to consider creating a custom ID landing page. So you might be using something like link tree or I think there's milkshake or any number of Instagram landing pages that let you have a variety of links.

But if possible, you want to consider creating your own landing page, it'll drive the traffic right to your site. So you can collect you know all that good traffic use for Facebook ads and also for knowing how people interact with your site. So give people a lot of opportunities to find an opt in booster number two is to actually share your lead magnet. So again, we create this lead magnet. And you know now you've got an opportunity for people to sign up.

But are you promoting it and actually talking about it, we can feel like, you know, we should only be sharing once a month or not very often because it can feel like too much but we actually need to share over and over again. So I make a plan to share your lead magnet on a regular basis. Some of the ways to do that would be to create mock ups. So something like you see here in my images and one of the mock ups I use for Instagram post and promotional posts for social media.

So I would aim to be sharing at least once a week, and perhaps create a few variations of the mock ups that you could share, which would be you know showing the cover page of your lead magnet in some kind of mock up or maybe like a little clip of what you have you know if you're whether you're a podcast or video, you could show little clips a little behind the scenes of what people get. So create several mock ups for Instagram posts, Instagram stories, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever you hang out, and share this over and over again again at least once a week.

You could even add it to pieces and emails and talk about within your podcasts. Then you want to create high value content. So high value content is creating, like one to four pieces of captivating content per month, which is related to what you're known for. So your niche with what you're working on. So in these pieces of captivating content, it could be a podcast that you're doing. You could be writing blog posts, maybe it's YouTube videos, it could be an igtv, video, whatever it is, you're focusing on one to four pieces per month.

And within that content, when it's related when relevant, promote your lead magnet. So on my podcast, for example, sometimes I could promote my lead magnet with a little clip in the middle of the podcast. It's something that I recorded once in my editor can add and it's also in the show notes of my podcast, if you're writing a blog piece, you can be referring to really make your blog piece or adding again, a little image was in the middle of your blog post on YouTube, it can be mentioned at the end of your YouTube video or in the notes piece as well. So however, you are putting this content as much as possible, connected back to your lead magnet because you want to get people onto your list from the content you're creating. And then booster number four is collaborations.

So how can you increase your visibility efforts to thinking about this? How can you get in front of other audiences through collaborations or speaking opportunities? So some of the ones would be pitching podcasts you part of podcasts? speaking in front of other people's mastermind or group coaching programs, doing some social q&a with each other, getting into those Facebook groups?

How can you get in front of more people who are the right people that you want to work with their to your ideal audience. And when you're there is it a pitching an offer at the end of it, pitch them onto your email list into your freebie your lead magnet. But when you're speaking in front of groups where a lot of your audience is maybe hanging out, it's worth this extra effort in order to personalize the experience for people who you're speaking to.

You didn't want to do this every time again, I'm really choosing for those really key opportunities. But regardless at the end of a speaking event, or tunity send people to your lead magnet. And then booster number five is to be helpful. So engaging related conversation. So can you participate in relevant Facebook groups, social media comments, or forums with helpful comments that relate to the work that you do, and gives you an opportunity sometimes to actually share your lead magnet so people can get more support from you.

Also, in some of these related groups, you may have the chance on a regular basis to share something you've been working on. And I would always be focused on sharing not your offer, but your lead magnet, get people into your welcome sequence funnel first so they can get to like know and trust you before you hit them up with that offer. So those are my five booster tips for growing your small list and boosting it with your new lead magnet.

If you're going to start focusing on one or two, I really think about getting plenty of opportunities and really sharing, sharing and sharing it.

Thanks for tuning in to the launch playbook podcast. If you want to get weekly launch secrets in your ears. I hope you'll hit subscribe on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode. Because who knows? It could reveal just the thing you've been looking for to make your next launch a success. And be sure to leave a five star review in iTunes telling me how this episode inspired your launch plans. Until next time, keep putting your big ideas out into the world. I'm rooting for you


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Sara Vartanian helps course creators, group program leaders and copywriters craft launch worthy campaigns.