Just Launch It

the launch playbook podcast
The Launch Playbook Podcast Episode 18


This short episode is your friendly reminder to #justlaunchit. Don’t overthink it. Try not to worry about having everything ‘perfect’. Don’t stress yourself trying to follow a rigid launch formula. Just… launch it. 


I talked about...

  •  a personal story of why I started launching my first group offer
  •  a simple way to launch when you want to test an offer
  • creating a group offer using assets from your signature 1-on-1 service 
  • selling to people through personal invitations

Things mentioned in this episode

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Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing

Sara: So if you're thinking like, hey, Sarah, that likely didn't replace your one to one income, you'd be right. But what it did do is prove to me that a, I could create a course I have the content be people were interested and see, I already had all that content in the knowledge, my one to one work, I just needed to package it differently. Now, that course, I'm no longer selling it.

The right now people who pay in full to join the launch playbook clubs go get it. But that simple model of launching is one I've repeated over and over again, in my business when I want to test something. In fact, I followed a similar process when I launched the launch playbook club.

You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools of transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout. Well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.

This week, I'm getting a little personal with a story about how I started launching offers in the first place for myself. So about four years ago, after another come pick him up now phone call from the principal at my kids school, I put my head down on my desk and I cried, my business had grown really quickly.

And I had this very time consuming retainer client who I loved working with. But every single aspect of my business required me to be present. And my five year old son was struggling with the social emotional issues that meant most days at school, he was teetering between crying and aggression, the calls from school had become almost daily. And although we're working with an occupational therapist to help him progress was slow. So that particular day, I put my earbuds in and I took my client call on the walk to pick up my kid again.

And I knew I had to find a different model to serve my clients that didn't need me working on their copy daily, and a better environment for my son. So two things happened in quick succession. After that, first we withdrew my son from Polk school. And we put them in a private program that focused on social behaviors for the rest of the year. And it was the best decision ever, he ended up going back to public school the next year with the tools he needed to manage his feelings and social expectations. And that is the win that matters most to me in this story. But you're here also to hear about launching and pores. So the second thing that happened was that I decided I was going to launch a group offer.

So I looked at what I had already created and what was already working for my one to one clients. And I mapped that out into a course I wrote up a sales page. And I looked at the list of people I knew who may be interested. And I decided I dripped this course out one week at a time. So I didn't have to create it all up front. And I'd curate the content as I went. So I would teach people the same content I did for my one to one offers. And this time, it was I used to do social strategy for Instagram. And I would help my clients create their social strategy, and then come up with their content buckets, and write captions that connected to people and also sold their offers. And so I then went out and I sold the course it was called the social playbook. And I sent personal invites to a handful of people who I thought may be interested. So these are a few people that maybe I had talked to in a sales call, but didn't actually become one to one clients, or maybe connected through a Facebook group or on Instagram, we'd had some conversations around working together.

So they were if you want to call them like warm leads, they were I knew they were interested in what I had to offer. But for whatever reason, or the other, working, the other one to one hadn't developed. So I sent out these personal invites. And at the time, I made little images in Canva, actually, and I put them into the emails and I wrote this personal email and I had five people purchase. So if you're thinking like, hey, Sarah, that likely didn't replace your one to one income, you'd be right.

But what it did do is prove to me that a, I could create a course I have the content be people were interested and see, I already had all that content in the knowledge my one to one work, I just needed to package it differently. Now that course I'm no longer selling it. The right now people who pay in full to join the launch playbook clubs go get it. But that simple model of launching is one I've repeated over and over again in my business when I want to test something.

In fact, I followed a similar process when I launched the launch playbook club my membership for service based business owners course creators who want to launch their offer in 90 days. Last August to last August I wrote up a sales page I populated the membership in kajabi. With the first month of content and a few fun bonuses I was able to repurpose and videos I hide from my list building low ticket offer and then I took one of the email templates I use for my one to one client and I templatized it Madlib style and created a training around how to fill in The emails send ideas to like really personalize it, what kind of stories they could use. And I uploaded that to the membership platform.

And then I spent one afternoon and I made a shortlist of people that I'd love to welcome into the club. So again, these are people that I had talked to, and maybe hadn't, you know, been able to work with me one to one, it was a bit of their budget, or there are some people who I had worked with on a half day session. So I used to have these half day sessions wasn't quite half debilitate was like three hours. And we would do strategy together for launching.

Or we go in and we'd write a couple emails together, or a few people in general, I knew that we're launching, they could have been some past clients. We did some other work together. So I came up with this list. And I sent them each a personal bom bom video, invited them to join and saying why.

So I made $7,000 in that launch, and since then, I welcome the new members to the club without doing any other kind of big launching. Although that's coming up this spring with a chance for you to get free feedback on your launch plans or launch copy. If you hop over to Sara Vartanian comm slash hot dash seats to learn more. So I want to end this short episode of the launch playbook podcast by saying here's your friendly reminder to just launch it. Don't overthink it.

Don't worry about having everything perfect. Don't stress yourself trying to follow a rigid formula. Just launch it Have fun, put it out there and I promise you you will learn so much from doing versus always planning, planning, planning and waiting, waiting, waiting.

Thanks for tuning in to the launch playbook podcast. If you want to get weekly launch secrets in your ears. I hope you'll hit subscribe on iTunes. You'll never miss an episode. Because who knows? It could reveal just the thing you've been looking for to make your next launch a success. And be sure to leave a five star review in iTunes telling me how this episode inspired your launch plans. Until next time, keep putting your big ideas out into the world. I'm rooting for you


Learn more about the Launch Playbook Club 


The Step-By-Step Map Of All Your Launch Assets

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Sara Vartanian helps course creators, group program leaders and copywriters craft launch worthy campaigns.