What Netflix Can Teach Us About Launching

the launch playbook podcast
The Launch Playbook Podcast Episode 16

It turns out there’s a biz lesson to be learned from all this pandemic, late night TV. When you’re in launch mode, you need to be thinking about the journey you’re taking your audience on.

How are you keeping them excited as you progress through the stages of your launch? And how do you serve them up content they’ll specifically love?

The answer? Be more like Netflix.


I talked about...

  •  Four ways to follow Netflix's lead in your next launch
  •  Creating anticipation and gaining your audience's permission to get notified 
  •  A simple way to keep keep your readers engaged in your launch emails
  • How to personalize the launch experience 
  • Why checking in with your people keeps them feeling good about being part of your audience


Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing

Sara: Right now in my Netflix queue, it says because you like the Queen's gambit, and it gives me a bunch of other shows to watch. So as your launch progresses, notice what's happening with the people on your list and who are opening emails, who is paying attention who was interacting, replying, who's clicking on your links, who's sending you dams are watching your Instagram stories, consider serving those people up personal content, maybe send them a quick dm audio message or create a made just for them video using my personal favorite Bom Bom, where you can create videos that in bed writing emails, say hi, invite them to chat with you. Tell them a little bit about why you'd love to see them in your launch.

You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools of transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout. Well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.

Sara: Anyone else gets totally hooked on bridgerton to during the winter holidays, I stayed up way late watching the vertreten series on Netflix and I was totally hooked. Each episode had me enthralled the characters, the plots, the twists, the turns the clothing, I won't spoil the show for you if you haven't watched it, but lady down very definitely the Duke are my favorite characters. And at the end of every episode, I found myself saying, Yeah, I can do one more.

Because at the end of every episode, they always end with so much anticipation for the next episode, of course, because that's what good shows do. They hook you in with really great entertaining content and create that open loop at the end, leaving you excited for more. And as it turns out, there's a really great big lesson to be learned from all this late night TV. From all this Netflix watching. When you're in launch mode, you need to be thinking about the journey your audience is on. How are you keeping them excited as you progress through the stages of your lunch? And how do you serve them up content they'll specifically love? So the answer maybe be more like Netflix.
So I'm going to share with you four ways you can bring some of that big Netflix energy into your next launch.

So the first way is to create some anticipation for your launch. like Netflix gives you a notification that a new show is coming soon. And you'll often see a trailer of What's New or upcoming when you log on on your laptop.

It's such a great way to pique curiosity. So could you do a little behind the scenes teaser of what's coming for your launch. And just like Netflix lets you add a show to your watch list instead are giving your audience a chance to add themselves to your waitlist to get notified when you go live or to opt in to the promotion for this launch.

Number two, keep your audience entertained and engaged by keeping their curiosity high. Give your launch emails some space by creating an open loop that naturally leads them to anticipating the next emails and can't stop reading them all the way through your launch. So for example, I actually shared the story of Bridgette into my email list.

And I ended with a PSA that said, I already blasted through the whole budget and novel series two and there was something neat I learned from it, which I'll share some time soon. And you got to know just that little PS had me getting responses asking what it was. And if you're curious, I promise I'll share that story another time.

Or perhaps you can share fun stories in each episode of your launch, or in this case each of your launch emails or maybe you could switch up each email. So it's presented a little differently. One of my favorite things to do is consider how I can change up the email. So it's not just all text, maybe one's video, maybe you tell one of your emails and gifts. Maybe you do have a story. Get creative and have fun with your emails. Because after all, who says indulging in great content needs to be reserved only for Netflix.

Today's episode is brought to you by the launch playbook club. It's a place for service based business owners who want to launch a course membership or group offer and are tired of trying to figure out all on their own. With weekly copy critiques and strategy calls for personal feedback, access to tech roadblock busting q&a sessions monthly training around six figure launch strategies and templates for all your launch copy needs. The launch playbook club is your roadmap to accelerate the success of your next launch without burning out become a member of the launch playbook club at www dot Sara slash launch dash playbook.

Number three, create something personal for the people going through your promotion. Netflix does a great job of keeping us in their platform because they notice what type of shows you like to watch and they serve up a new list of similar shows. So for example, right now in my Netflix queue, it says because you like the Queen's gambit, and it gives me a bunch of other shows to watch. So as your launch progresses, notice what's happening with the people on your list and who are opening emails, who is paying attention who was interacting, replying, who's clicking on your links, who's sending you dams, or watching your Instagram stories, consider serving those people up personal content, maybe send them a quick dm audio message or create a made just for them video using my personal favorite Bom Bom, where you can create videos that in bed writing emails, say hi, invite them to chat with you. Tell them a little bit about why you'd love to see them in your launch, invite them to book a call with you if you'd like or just have a conversation back and forth.

Number four, like Netflix, check in with people once in a while to make sure they want to keep going give them a chance to opt out is a great way to keep the good feelings and connection going for another time through your newsletter and not at 2am like Netflix when we keep saying like one more episode, are you sure you want one more episode? Or just like you don't want people on your list. And in those launch emails, keep getting those emails if it's an offer they're actually not interested in right now. So what you can do is occasionally through your launch promotion, have something like a PS saying, Hey, you know if you know that this isn't the right time to join the name of your offer, click here and you have a link to click and I'll take I'll take you out of this. You won't receive any more emails about you know, x this offer
but you'll still keep hearing from me in my weekly newsletter. Say something as simple as that. Just like Netflix says to us, are you sure you want to keep watching? They remind us they check in with us once in a while to make sure we're still feeling good about being there. And again, when it's 20 am sometimes I get the message and I say it's a good reality check to say Actually, no, I actually don't want this content anymore. I'm going to turn it off and come back another night. So check in with the people during your launch promotion to make sure that they're feeling good about being an air and they want to continue.

Thanks for tuning in to the launch playbook podcast. If you want to get weekly launch secrets in your ears. I hope you'll hit subscribe on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode. Because who knows? It could reveal just the thing you've been looking forward to make your next launch a success. And be sure to leave a five star review in iTunes telling me how this episode inspired your launch plans. Until next time, keep putting your big ideas out into the world. I'm rooting for you


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Sara Vartanian helps course creators, group program leaders and copywriters craft launch worthy campaigns.